The support our volunteers provide plays such a vital role within the operations of our charity. Being a small charity that covers such vast ground within the sight-loss community of Wales, our volunteers enable us to offer sustainable and consistent support to our service users.

Volunteer to:
- Gain or perhaps re-gain confidence and improve your wellbeing
- Be part of the community, make new friends and join a fantastic supportive team
- Support people with sight loss in Wales
- Build on or develop new skills
Get in touch
Drop into the shop 215 High Street, Blackwood, NP12 1AL and leave your contact details or:
Call: 01495 763 650
To show our thanks to our wonderful volunteers, we would like to introduce you to some of the team …

Jane plays a crucial part in our talking news service since she retired a few years ago. She comes in to Sight Cymru to volunteer every week to facilitate the local talking news recordings that get sent out to our service users each week with her amazing sense of style and humour for us all to enjoy each week.

Darren is one of our volunteers at our charity shop in Blackwood, he is an amazing asset to the charity shop volunteer team. His ability to fix items puts customers at ease and willingness to help makes Darren a wonderful volunteer at Sight Cymru – we really are lucky to have him.

Ian has been a Sight Cymru volunteer for some years and has undertaken many volunteer roles over this time. His empathy and compassion with people with sight loss is something to cherish, this skill has been used in many volunteer roles over the years. His latest role in our charity shop and Blackwood club has enabled Ian to learn new skills and meet new service users and new volunteers who have become friends.

Stephanie is one of our wellbeing service volunteers whose volunteer role is a telephone befriender, her Sight Cymru service users look forward to Stephanie calling them each week to catch up and have some interesting conversations and laughs to brighten the week up. Our wellbeing volunteers work closely with our wellbeing service staff to ensure the best possible outcomes to all.

John has a few different volunteer roles, from a Sight Cymru trustee to club helper to a telephone befriender. His wealth of skills, knowledge and understanding of those with sight loss is something that John is able to use within his volunteer roles. He has been a Sight Cymru trustee for a few years and his contribution to the trustees’ board has great value to Sight Cymru. John is always keen to share his jokes, stories and travels with us which are enjoyed by all.

Samiya is one of our volunteer awareness officers which is funded by the lottery, Samiya role requires her to deliver awareness training of sight loss to schools, local businesses, local authorities, religious establishments and much more. Samiya role enables her to raise issues and barriers as well as solutions to these things to those with sight loss in society. This hopefully with bring positive outcomes to all. Samiya role is very interesting and varied and she does this with confidence and professionalism.